Creepy Castle Wiki

Butterfly is one of the Characters in Creepy Castle.

Description[ | ]

Butterfly meets Moth in the halls of Creepy Castle. She is a trusted member of the stronghold's council, not to mention a boxer since she was little.

Note: This was the original description for Butterfly. In an update, Butterfly canonically is a trans boy. The reason for this is to better reflect on the creator’s real-life Butterfly.

Personality[ | ]

Butterfly is cheerful and, as mentioned by Molt, is one of the favorites of the people in the city of light. He is the writer of the duel manuals Moth reads and always encourages the reader to try their best. Butterfly is also worried about Darking and is willing to disobey orders to fight Moth so that he will be able to stop Darking and the heartbreaker.

Abilities[ | ]

Not much is known about him yet, although being a boxer he is likely skilled in combat. His boxing gloves are even capable of blocking very heavy blows.

Creepy Castle[ | ]

Butterfly meets Moth in the castle barracks, revealing that there are 3 intruders in total and that he has been ordered to fight and defeat Moth. However, he chooses to disobey orders since he is worried about Darking changing and decides to allow Moth to continue so that he can stop Darking and his plot.

Ghostly Mystery/Lost[ | ]

Worried about Moth's disappearance, Butterfly decides to go after Moth. He eventually comes across the Ghost Palace, a palace that appears in the darkest night.

Stage 1[ | ]

Butterfly starts his quest in search of Moth, unaware that he is being watched by Possessor, who had survived the events of Creepy Castle. Possessor finds Butterfly to be familiar. As Butterfly treks through the palace's first stage, he finds that he must find two keys to unlock two separate blocked doors. Butterfly soon after finds Monsoon (under the control of Possessor). When Monsoon doesn't respond, Butterfly has no choice but to do battle. Butterfly emerges victorious and moves on.

Stage 2[ | ]

Possessor, surprised that Butterfly was able to defeat Monsoon easily, sends in the new bosses after Butterfly. Back with Butterfly, he finds a Spooky. He easily defeats it and continues into the second stage. From there, Butterfly finds a river that requires the usage of the Ice Rod. So he makes his way up some ladders, finding Cultists and Spookies. He eventually finds the Ice Rod and freezes the water, leading him to Chantrieri, infuriating the flower for freezing his lake and attacking.

Butterfly defeats Chantrieri, finds a key and then moves on.
